Episode Guide- Acupuncture with Jacqueline Gabardy


I hope y'all enjoyed this special remote episode of Natch Beaut! I am always on the hunt for fun segments that will teach us all something interesting and I really loved chatting with Jacqueline.

Steven and I both learned so much and I hope the Hunnies did, too!


If you live in SoCal, visit Jacqueline at Sweet Beet Acupuncture.

Follow Sweet Beet on Instagram.

Follow Sweet Beet on Twitter.

Jackie's Menstrual calendar app "Free Menstrual Calendar"

Vital Proteins Spirulina
Jacqueline's brand of choice for collagen and supplements (NOTE:  I am not linking the collagen supplements because of my vegan ethics, but this is the brand that Jacqueline recommends. This Spirulina is one of their vegan products!)

The Crazy mouth weight we giggled about

And you gotta, GOTTA get some nutritional yeast. I put it on literally everything I eat. It's a must for all vegans and non vegans alike. I highly suggest you get you a shaker of it and try it!