Episode Guide: Mother/Daughter Makeup with Candace and Kathryn Burns

Jackie’s best friend is Emmy Winning choreographer and minimal makeup-wearer Kathryn Burns, who brought her beautiful and glamorous mother Candace with her to get two different perspectives on self-care. Candace says fitness, maintenance, and sunscreen are the keys to great skin. Kathryn only has one makeup brush and gives herself a blowout by putting the windows down as she drives. You are in for a real treat with this chatty episode among dear friends!


As always, everything we discussed is linked down below, and cruelty-free items are marked with an asterisk (*)

Jackie's Beach Waver curling Demo

Kathryn on Instagram
Check the hashtag #katburnschoreo to see her long career of amazing dance work! 

Candance on Instagram

And Austin Hunnies, go to the Town lake YMCA and take a body pump class with Candace